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FiveSeven Consulting- The Human Value Chain

The path to profitability

At FiveSeven, our goal is to partner with you. The purpose? Create a path to profitability where your organization achieves superior performance through improving its people and leadership relationships. Our process begins by first helping you understanding a key business concept known as the Value Chain, a series of linked activities that makes superior performance possible. 

For those unfamiliar with the Value Chain, it is a framework developed by Michael Porter that helps understand how aligning “firm activities” is necessary in achieving competitive advantage.


Simply put, Porter's Value Chain is “the sequence of activities your company performs to design, produce, sell, deliver, and support its products. In turn, a company’s value chain is part of a larger value system: the larger set of activities involved in creating value for the end user, regardless of who performs those activities. The value chain is a metaphor for a series of linked activities. It is a powerful tool for disaggregating a company into its strategically relevant activities in order to focus on the sources of competitive advantage, that is, the specific activities that result in higher prices or lower costs, or both”. (Magretta, 74-75)

We believe Porter's Value Chain framework begins first at the human level. What we call the Human Value Chain. This Human Value Chain is a framework that allows us to disaggregate a company into its strategically relevant activities, from a human value point of view, in order to focus on the drivers of competitive advantage, that is, the specific activities that result in higher prices or lower costs, or both". In the FiveSeven model these activities (AKA drivers) are: leadership development, employee engagement and customer experience. It is these primary drivers that have a direct and significant impact on a company’s ability to achieve competitive advantage through reducing costs, raising prices, or both. 

Our consulting efforts will be focused on helping you achieve superior results through improving your human value chain. 

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